Donate - Making a Difference | Special Needs
Service Companions bring many benefits to those with special needs. They provide emotional support and unconditional love and companionship 24/7, they encourage social interaction and help break down walls of isolation, and promote mental and physical health.
During evaluations we find approximately half the dogs we breed do not meet the rigorous standards required to become Guide Dogs. But these amazingly well trained, loving animals still fill a vital role. So these dogs “change careers” and are provided as supportive companions to children and adults with special needs. Having service dogs in Israel is relatively new, and we are one of the few organizations providing this service.
There are many vulnerable people in Israel, and we are one of the few organizations providing Service Companions in Israel to meet this need. Children with autism, children who are blind, IDF soldiers with PTSD and other adults with Special Needs can all benefit from a loving relationship with a four-legged best friend.